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Digital Access Survey

Family ID Registration

Athletic Registration Information

Student-Athletes must register in FamilyID each season in which they intend to participate .  Registration will open within 30 days of the season starting in order to ensure that health information is current, and to be in compliance with NYS law. 

In order to process the student-athletes' medical and eligibility information, FamilyID registration will close 7 days prior to the start of each season. FamilyID registration will remain closed until the first day of the season, when it will re-open at 8AM.  

IF you do not sign up before FamilyID closes, and wait until it is RE-opened on the first day of practice, your child's start to their sport season may be delayed and playing time may be influenced due to NYS's required number of minimum practices.  When the system is RE-opened on the first day of the season, the nurses will process FamilyID registrations as quickly as possible. Students WILL NOT be able to participate in practice until approved through the FamilyID system.

Please refer to the Sports Start Date section of the website for the specific dates FamilyID registration will open and close for each season.

FamilyID Guidelines

  • For directions on how to register for the FamilyID Program as a New User click here: New User Registration Directions
  • If you need help with the FamilyID application process please call 888-800-5583 or email
  • Use your student's grade level to determine the appropriate FamilyID registration site.
  • Please NOTE: Once you submit your student's FamilyID application it can take up to 48 hours for the necessary approvals to take place.  Plan accordingly and complete your FamilyID application early so your student can participate the first day of practice.
  • Coaches will have online access to view each student’s status regarding academic eligibility, physical examination, and registration details.  This ensures that coaches have the most up-to-date information possible, and if a student does not have all areas satisfactorily completed, the student may not participate. 
Superintendent: Misty Slavic, Ed.D.
Phone: 315.255.8800
Address: 78 Thornton Avenue | Auburn, NY 13021
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