New York State Health Requirements
A health certificate shall be furnished by each student in the public schools upon his or her entrance in such schools and upon his or her entry into the grades prescribed by the commissioner.
Each such certificate shall also state the student's body mass index (BMI) and weight status category. For purposes of the section, BMI is computed as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of eight in meters or the weight in pounds divided by the square of height in inches multiplied by a conversion factor of 703. Weight status categories for children and adolescents shall be as defined by the commissioner of health.
Each school and school district chosen as part of an appropriate sampling methodology shall participate in surveys directed by the
commissioner of health pursuant to the public health law in relation to 2108--C 108 A. 4308--C
Students' BMI and weight status categories as reported on the school health certificate and which shall be subject to audit by the commissioner of health. Such surveys shall contain the information required pursuant to this subdivision in relation to students' BMI and weight status categories in aggregate. Parents or other persons in parental relation to a student may refuse to have the student's BMI and weight
status category included in such survey. Each school and school district shall provide the commissioner of health with any information, records
and reports he or she may require for the purpose of such audit. The BMI and weight status survey and audit as described in this subdivision shall be conducted consistent with confidentiality requirements imposed by federal law.
Students enrolling in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten or first grade in a public elementary school in this state to present a dental health certificate; such dental health certificate must contain a report of a comprehensive dental examination performed on such child.
A dental health certificate shall be requested from each student. Each student is requested to furnish a dental health certificate at the same time that health certificates are required (new enterers , Pre-K, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11). An examination and dental health history of any child may be requested by the local school authorities at any time in their discretion to promote the educational interest of any such child.