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Auburn High musician part of Purple Lancers championship

Christopher Sciria
Auburn ECSD Public Information Specialist

An Auburn High School student played a key part in the Purple Lancers’ recent Drum Corps Associates championship.

Alex Roblee, a sophomore, participated in the drumline event which took place Sept. 2 in Rochester as the Purple Lancers won their category in the Individual and Ensemble competition with a score of 99.000. 

“Alex was asked to play music well above the normal level of difficulty. When we discuss achievement level, or entertaining an audience, we are really discussing the values of the membership,” said Purple Lancers Percussion Director Dr. Timothy Jennings. “Our achievements were based on values of self-determination and effort. Alex had to work extremely hard in a relatively short time span to achieve at the level necessary for competitive victory. But he did do just that, and he is ready to tackle even greater challenges in the future because he has the intrinsic drive to succeed.”
Alex Roblee

Jennings, who also performs with the Purple Lancers, organized the group, recruited the members and taught them. 

“I started taking lessons with him about drumming technique and everything, and I got super better because he was just preparing me for that program,” said Roblee, who first started drum lessons with Randy Mucedola at his drum school. “Eventually around June or late May was when we started rehearsals with everyone and I got to meet everyone from around the state. They're in all different marching bands. I just basically got to meet a lot of new people; got to perform on something incredible.”

Roblee enjoyed the experience of competing in Drum Corps Associates championship and winning a championship.

“I had to leave early because my dad didn't know which time we were going to be there but I got messaged on Instagram that we won and I was like, ‘Oh my God, that's so incredible.’ We kind of already knew we were going to win but it was still incredible for me because I've never really won any competition so that was pretty nice for me." 

It’s quite impressive when you consider Roblee started in percussion last year.

“He started in the marching band when he was a ninth grader and I don't think he had any percussion experience,” said Auburn High School band director Erin Coughlin. “So he’s come a long way, coming from a beginner to like one of our star players on the drumline. He picks up things really quickly and is a very talented musician.”

Superintendent: Jeffrey Pirozzolo
Phone: 315.255.8800
Address: 78 Thornton Avenue | Auburn, NY 13021
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