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Message from Superintendent Pirozzolo: Plans to reopen school are under way

July 10, 2020

Dear Auburn Families,
Many of you may have already heard, Governor Cuomo announced on Wednesday that the state will decide in early August whether to allow schools to reopen in September.
The state is currently consulting with stakeholders and will provide guidance to school districts by Monday, July 13. Districts will use that guidance to finalize their individual reopening plans to submit to the state for review by July 31. New York will then decide whether to allow schools to reopen at all, and whether to accept, reject or modify each district’s individual plan.

Our school district has already been working on reopening plans for the fall as best we can without the state’s guidance. There are three main scenarios school districts, including ours, are considering: a traditional reopening plan, a hybrid reopening plan, and a virtual reopening plan.

A traditional reopening where all students come back to school full time is the ultimate goal, but there will still need to be plans in place to ensure the safety of our students and staff. A hybrid reopening would include a combination of in-person and distance learning, and a virtual reopening would consist of students continuing with distance learning.
Earlier this week, our administrative team met to discuss the three main reopening scenarios and how our district will incorporate specific guidelines that we can assume the state will automatically mandate such as disinfecting, social distancing, and face masks. All of the reopening scenarios include obstacles that students and staff will need to work through.
Starting next week, we will be meeting with faculty members to obtain input on reopening plans. The following week, we will meet with parents and community to get their thoughts on reopening plans. After stakeholders from all areas have weighed in, the district can finalize a plan to submit to the state by the July 31 deadline.
Thank you all for your patience as we continue to navigate through these unprecedented times. I will continue to send out updates as plans transpire. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to be a part of the reopening committee, please call my office at (315) 255-8835.
Also, please remember that although outdoor school facilities are now open, social distancing and face covering guidelines still remain in effect.
Stay safe,
Jeff Pirozzolo
Superintendent of Schools
Auburn Enlarged City School District
Superintendent: Jeffrey Pirozzolo
Phone: 315.255.8800
Address: 78 Thornton Avenue | Auburn, NY 13021
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