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Digital Access Survey

Brand Resources

We have put in a great deal of time and effort to rebrand the district with a consistent look. Therefore, we have established some guidelines to follow when it comes to logo usage.
  1. District colors are maroon and white only. No modifications should be made to the logos (i.e. – NO outlining the A, NO italicizing the A, etc.)
  2. Adding a school, club, or team type underneath the logo will be permitted. For example, an athletic team or a club may use the A and then request the print shop to add their sport type or club name underneath (i.e. – Soccer, Football, Kindness Club, etc.). However, the addition must be in district colors – maroon or white.
All of our brand resources are available to download through Google Drive. Knowing which file format to use is not always straightfoward. Below is a short-hand guide to file formats.




EPS ( vector )

This is typically the most conservative file format in terms of disk space. This format will always have a background color. In this instance, the background color is white, meaning if you were to print on anything other than standard white paper, you may be able to see a white box around your image, which is undesirable.

All programs should be able to open and use this file format.
The appeal of this file format is that it may have transparent areas, meaning if the background of your document is any color other than white, the "white space" around the file will take on the background color of your document.

Most programs should be able to use this file format.
This is always the highest quality file format. EPS files should be used in all professional documents and will be requested when printing large format or "odd jobs." This file can be scaled smaller than a button or larger than a building, but still remains sharp.

Typically only professional programs have the ability to open and process this file format. 

Web / Screen



This is the preferred file format for web / screen use. This file may have transparent areas, meaning if the background of your document is any color other than white, the "white space" around the file will take on the background color of your document.

All internet applications, presentation creators, and layout programs should be able to use this file - format.
This is typically the most conservative file - type in terms of disk space. This file type will always have a background color. In this instance the background color is white, meaning if you were to use this on a website with a colored (even light) background, you may be able to see a white box around your image.

All internet applications, presentation creators, and layout programs should be able to use this file - format.


Superintendent: Misty Slavic, Ed.D.
Phone: 315.255.8800
Address: 78 Thornton Avenue | Auburn, NY 13021
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